Another beautiful day for an outing. Featherdale is literally about 5 minutes from Gwen and Bob's. It was fantastic to be able to walk among so many of the animals and birds. Of course there were lots of them in cages as well. There was a huge variety of species to look at. We saw a Joey sticking his head out his mother's pouch, a baby koala having a ride on his mother's back, heard a kookaburra laugh - yes they really do!
We saw a large bird displaying for his lady friend, and a peacock treated us to the most amazing display of his tail feathers as he showed off for his lady. We also saw several birds - can't remember their names at present - maybe some of my Aussie friends can help me out here - but the knees bent in the opposite direction to usual - they sure looked strange sitting down. We also saw an emu, and a cassowary - about the same size as the emu, but with a red and blue head, and a great horny projection from the top of it's head. Apparently that's not the part to be afraid of - but watch out for his big toe as it will slice you open.
We saw a cute little echidna - an ant eater that has quills all over, much like our porcupines. There was a large salt water crocodile giving us a good look down his mouth, and enough lizards and snakes to make even Steph happy! Hi Steph!
Oh, yes - Happy Birthday Madeline
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