If we're going to be in your city and you want to get together for a cup of coffee, leave a message at our hotel, or send me an email ahead of time at shakos@sympatico.ca - we'll try to rendezvous with you. That would be great fun!
Sat. Oct. 20 - Arrive in Christchurch, New Zealand and stay at the Copthorne Central Hotel, phone 03 379 5880.
Mon. Oct. 22 - TranzAlpine Train ride to Franz Josef, staying at the Franz Josef Glacier Hotel, phone 03 752 0729.
Tues. Oct. 23 - Queenstown, staying at the Novotel Gardens, phone 03 442 7750.
Thurs. Oct. 25 - Te Anau, staying at the Village Inn, phone 03-249 7911.
Fri. Oct. 26 - Dunedin, staying at the Dunedin City Hotel, phone 03 470 1470. Hope to meet Chris Davies for coffee while we're there.
Sat. Oct. 27 - Mount Cook National Park, staying at The Hermitage Hotel, phone 03 435 1809.
Sun. Oct. 28 - Back at the Copthorne Central Hotel in Christchurch, phone 03 379 5580 till Oct. 30th. We'll then take the ferry to the North Island and stay with Beulah from Oct. 30th, till November 5th.
Mon. Nov. 5 - Pick up a car for a self-drive tour to Auckland. (Biting my nails as you guys drive on the wrong side of the road - giggle). Stay at the Lakeland Resort, Taupo, phone 07 378 3893 on the 5th, and at the Heritage Rotorua on the 6th and 7th, phone 07 348 1189.
Thurs. Nov. 8 - Arrive in Auckland and stay with Lizzie and her husband John. I've promised to teach an ink and oil rouging design for Lizzie while I'm there.
Mon. Nov. 12 - It's all over but the curtain calls. Fly from Auckland back to Los Angeles, where we will stay a week with my aunt. A good chance to shake off some of the jet lag.
Sun. Nov. 18 - Back in Canada. All good things have to come to an end. The memories, however, will last a lifetime.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Blue Mountains
Of course, along the way we had to check out the souvenir shops, and stopped for a meat pie and coffee for lunch. Also took a moment for a cuddle with a koala.
I've been crafting all my life but once I discovered decorative painting I was totally hooked as my "stash" of surfaces and supplies would tell you.. I have been teaching since 1995, and many of my students have become dear friends. As a matter of fact, several of these on-line friends will be hosting my husband and I when we Travel Downunder.
George and I have been married for 17 years. When I retired in 2000 I taught 4 painting classes per week in my home studio until early 2006. Although not teaching regularly, I still teach an occasional class for two guilds.
When I retired, I discovered the Internet and on-line painting groups: Brush Bunch, Aussie Tolers, Decorative Painters in Canada, Traditions Art, and Globalbrushstrokes. I've shared lots of laughter, some tears, and loads of information on all kinds of topics, art related and otherwise, with the members of these groups. I consider many of the people I've only met on-line as friends.
I was born in Montreal, Quebec and lived and worked there until 1977 when I moved to Ontario to work for Ontario Hydro. I retired from Hydro about 14 years ago, and now I spend my time reading, relaxing at our house trailer, dabbling with computer programming and researching Sharon's family tree. Doing this geneology I've found relatives she didn't know she had!
Here is one of the projects Beulah has asked me to teach in New Zealand. This beautiful design is by Canada's own Maureen McNaughton.
Second New Zealand Class
This is another Maureen McNaughton design. The class will be getting a head start on their Christmas painting. The design is for a sled, but it can be adapted to other surfaces.
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